Most of us will have an idea in our mind about what the fishing industry is and does. This is likely to be only a partial understanding – even among those closely associated with the industry. The make-up of the fishing industry, the many different types of fishing, the huge variety of vessels, the diverse supply lines, how the industry functions, and the various regulatory systems within which it operates makes for a complex picture. Part of our task is help unlock the door to understanding all this and in doing so help others to help fishing communities. 

Our role and activities span all sectors – sea going and shore based – across the entire supply chain. We work collaboratively with all sectors - industry, business, cultural, public, and voluntary – both locally and nationally. 

There are five main strands to our work:


We provide a voice and a means of communication for the local fishing industry, including seafood businesses. This spans a range of issues including government policies, regulation, fisheries management and marine conservation.


marine science and research

We seek opportunities for productive partnerships with local and national academic institutions. We help plug knowledge gaps and identify how the evidence base can be strengthened. Within the industry there is a great deal of untapped expertise and knowledge.

practical assistance

The plethora of different policy and regulatory bodies, announcements, programmes, policies and legislative frameworks is daunting, especially for people living busy and demanding lives. Meetings are usually organised to suit officialdom rather than those whose working hours are dictated by seasons, tides and weather.  We help our members navigate the system and we are available to provide advice and practical help.

Strengthening Plymouth’s sustainable fisheries profile

There is excellent work already being done within the local fishing industry to reduce the environmental impact of their activities. We can assist in knowledge sharing and help members adapt to climate change and reduce their carbon footprint. We have launched a project that connects local suppliers with restaurants and other outlets across Plymouth, shortening the supply chain and reducing CO2 emissions.

Consultancy services

We can bring to programmes and projects first-hand knowledge and expertise of doing the job. We are backed by a wealth of experience across all sectors and proven ability to deliver. Working with a team of associates we can also draw on a broad field of specialisms and know how.